The rest's nests
Earth is my body, my body is earth – from this conclusion of many explorations the purpose is to offer the myriade of sensations, emotions, feelings. Through all landscapes, bodies, races, genesis, biths and childhoods, through the big collectives movements – i LIVED intensely this book with an higher sensuality I never surpass again.
tags & references
Sensual themes & words, sensations, emotions, sensitiveness, to have sense as practical way, gothic, taste, smell and touch, poetry, medicine, ecology, physical, pachamama, earth, exotics, epicurean as poverty marvel, art of listen (all list 4 u!), informatics' blind alley, genesis, beauties, joys,
All the books of here are completely original and new from their birth. So no inspire by ancient or actual others writers or thinkers. But we function with admiration, wonder, esteem, emotion, approbation, marvel, consent or respect – therefore, we offer quotations of some names. True ecology is disfigured by so many impostors that to recall James Lovelock, Jared Diamond, Jeremy Narby, René Dubos, Ivan Illich, Henry David Thoreau, Al Gore, Clive Ponting, Vandana Shiva, Claude Lévi Strauss, Jean Dorst, Konrad Lorenz, Lester R.Brown, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jean Jacques Rousseau, J.C. Powys (on 1 322) - put the exigency out of their hands.
Writer, the absolute minority
You join this to the text "star of the stars" and you get the secret story the most marvellous you can imagine: so near or you, somebody lives an enchanted live and you refuse to know it. You have mutiply acts and words, by millionsor milliards of tuns, but always out of subject: how can we fly? as a bird? or…? More than incredible you have spend your time (in that childish and barren disturbances) to prevent from recieving answerings to that. How cqn we feel the inside light ? How to realize the perfect sensuality ? How to be fresh inside ? How to be plaiting and braiding of images more beautiful than beauty and that run in all body in 7D(or 9D? )and make you find the diamond's facets ? How to live intense emotions when quantitive pleasures drive to destruction of the subtle mind and bring, most of the time, to disgusts…etc and so may others marvellous questions you seem do your maximum to stint yourselves of the answers. This book try, through the whole human history (don' tyou feel a call when that kind of experiences make you join- sensually - all the cultures? – occidental ones no !!!), to understand the why of this"excluding" attiude that smaller so much your life. Does property is to wash the "dirty" the others were: the proper-ty ? Contrary of sciences laws upon matter. Bad attitude: to forbid free creativity by financial censorships is to small collective live and, even the censor, everybody looses. Wastes of talents for ideological frame is to loose the humanity's treasure and close (even the censor) lives to others dimensions. Not higher but downer, not without limits but straighten in jails, not full of joy but separate of your best. etc. (too much). Strange this realistic wisdom never tried. In act, creative one never stint of anything, except its spreading. And in that case is you, yes you who are stinted masochistically – not him. Are you not tired of your wrong side world ?
humour biography or why am i at the 1/3 part of my complete works |
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72 pages
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Metalanguage, metaframe, holism or allism, nominalism, iconoclast, spreading the read & broad the casting, tar the star, styles, emancipations, original, complete works, permanent joy, positive, in-ovation, all the choices, heuristics
Over distanced for biographies…only the inside life is, scrupulous, restated. Give only shortened, over 11 832 names, Heinrich Von Kleist, William S. Burroughs, Roger Caillois, Joë Bousquet, Novalis, René Daumal, Michel Ragon, Saint Pol Roux or Antonin Artaud (as overstepping of literature).
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Third vote turn /
how to inverse the inversions
Text very foraged, with many testfies, investigations, intersects and analysis, but enough different points of view to extract some little lessons. Connect with text around "Demagogy".
politics for pratical people |
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52 pages
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Noble politics, commune, local & region sides, citizen, election, collective out of cares, clash, unity, groups, memory, countrified (saying "province" prove your mental dysfunction- apex attitude!), to open, values, shares, advices, minstrels & godsends
On the grounds, campaigns, elections et summer universities and without any previous model, why not Marvin Minsky, Murray Boockin, the Commune, Chico Whitaker, Gustave Massia, Karl Polanyi, Frederic Deloca, George Devereux as echoes or not (on 875)?
How to write a "musical" theater? Dressing all the character with a specific "feeling" (and not a "social position" supposed to be recognizedfull). Swinging with the alexandrian. And shake, into the giant of feelings, the 2 central thesis of our era : everybody is okay for everything change in the only condition nothing change (for her/ him) and everybody is okay for the truth is telling in the only condition noody can tell it. So all the arabesques into/ between/ with feelings you can even imagine take theit fly and you discover the color …(???)
to swim into feelings & emotions |
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41 pages
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Theatre & theater, alexandrians, eternity, versification, passions, universal, emotions, elizabethian & shake the pears, classical, rock and roll,
Rock'n'roll play with rhythm in alexandrians. Absolutely new. Not equivalent. Drops on B. Traven, Erasme, Shakespeare, Sir Francis Bacon, Arthur Miller, Ramon de Valle-Inclan, James Gleick, Scott Baker, Augustin Berque or John Varley (on 284).
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3 couples : 1° at East of world, 2° in the U.S.A. and 3° less geography (because the humour of the 3 couples is "two" 3 "two"). In first the woman is "better" than the man, in second contrary, in third one (!) you decide. This novel (without keys) gathers these 3 streams of life and very different atmospheres. Just try to free woman( the woo- man) and man (his e-man-cipation) – in their exceptional vibration of human being – from all the illegitimes jades that others dare to tyrannize free love. As if a real bustles or stirs the doll of dollar putting upside down the Bill of bills was the resident of this book.
tags & references
Consumer goods sociologies - master in psy – human geography (New York, Europe and Moscow) – macro-economy (2nd cycle) – romance clothes, adventures, true loves, literature (some novel techniques, synopsis or converses images) bonding all that knowledges
If you do not had notice Henri Atlan can drive to androgens understandings, remember Teleny of Oscar Wilde, fractals of Benoît Mandelbrot or travels of Ilana Löwy, Judith Butler and Laure Murat, cyborgs theories of Ellen Ullmann, meet as well Valérie Solanas, Rupert Sheldrake or Marcel Niedergang (on 1 285 occurrences).
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Violence as "commercial product " of consummation society
This text starts from a sociologic analysis upon "violence screens" (as slyness investigators) and enlarge, suddenly, more where conclusions are: violence is just used as a variable for a so few minority JUST can win ONLY more money. Never irresponsability and incompetence of so superficial people take a so large place in Society. This system is the blindest one (the greatest waste of all for the smallest benefit of smalll part of real) Everything is "ignored" except the Ubu money (which make us learn nothing). The cannibalism of future. This system appears more and more immoral and against moral, not this religious-one-it-is-not-good but the childish refusal of the consequences of its overwhelming mentality and so stupid way of life (destroying Nature AND human beings) It's the scene of disturbances makers called childish consummation which feed wilfully (but always hide it) ALL the violence (the more violent you are the more you are good "pupil" of the system). This system turn its back to wisdom, to all true sciences and solid adults's experiences. It just is waving us with disgusts and repulsions. What do you feel ,?
sociology, anthropology, philosophy and more |
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9 pages
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TV, images & pictures, crossover sociology, accountancy & accountability, teen spirit, interpretation & explanation, responsability & liability
Divina Frau-Meigs and Sophie Jehel faded it away the magic of screens, to reveal they are only build for money-hidden violence. Assume besides Alexander Zinoviev, William T. Vollmann, Thierry Godefroy, Jack Nikonoff, Roger Penrose or Güneli Gün (on 728) ?