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I don't speak anymore
to who want to have right (without being)
Langue Cola
Want always to be right is not really right if you consider the mental going astrays and he undercover wounds you induces to humans with that noisy way. Why identifying being and reason? It just smalls the whole life transforming it as a boring fight between two personalities. But can't hide it just looks like to escape from the first mind's virtue - the honesty - and to loose yourself into smoking appearances. Want always to be right is not reasonable in fact, nobody can sense you. This picaresque novel, full of humour, with rebounds as how the doll of dollar can inverse the bills of Bill and some others co-Incidences, that drive you in the outside. If you love yourself (a little) you will free into that style...
Le soleil découpait la ville en tranches. Seules les rainures d'ombre désaltéraient la limpide sécheresse. Des bourdonnements confus dansaient sourdement avec la pulsion de l'air surchauffé. Un lourd filet semblait tout enserrer dans sa trop moite torpeur. Les bâtisses collées au sol en sueur. Où de rares passants fondaient sur place. (...)

---  Vite, n'évite pas Eric. Il y a quelque chose! Venez. Vite venez, se reprit-il. Ca bouge, je ne sais pas ce que c'est. Une lumière musclée s'en dégage. (...)

Leurs pensées n'étaient qu'une vaste tempête, prises dans le tourbillon fracassant de lames de fond. (...) suspense permanent, de l'inattendu à chaque page, comme une faille qui s'ouvre sous les pieds où le ciel qui vous aspire d'envol.

La tête bouclée avait juste glissé un regard à la grimace dépitée du dur visage, sur le siège à côté. Injecté sur la boite à gants. Un geste plus loin, il brandit le revolver. Du genre qui ne peut faire cas des retours en arrière : Revolve, sure not! (...) Les virages du visage dur la précédaient, scrutant avidement, partout.

---  Là! Ern, pointait-il.

---  O.K. Ice, braqua-t-il. (...) Plus
no detective novel so you find all-o | format PDF | 82 pages
tags & references   Romance, weird & fancy, picaresque, images surprises, suspense, adventures words, magic, quest, rational, humour, philosophy, onirics disruptions, cinema, foresights minds, ecology, hermés Conceived without any model as a very new way to motive. Samples would better be Baruk Spinoza, Epicure, Guillaume d’Ockham, Héraclite, David Hume, Blaise Pascal (lacking religious parts), Arthur Schopenhauer, Henri Bergson (his "vitalism" stays fertile), Clément Rosset or Robert Colonna d’Istria (on 194).
Diction of dictionary
or how to make all the words physical
Langue Cola
Since powers use words to lie, cheat, fake, mislead, manipulate…etc. (because had cleared us, for instance, ZIZEK "for centrist liberals nothing must move, in politics and culture". It's the frozen era, the great age of hate of life : so, we have in that kind of mentality slums of all nothingness, trouble makers sources, ennemies of humanity , antisocials and fanatics of world's suicide…etc. – and medias treat that well !!l beuark)

what become all words ? Unbelievable ! in the luminous home of primitive lights they stay, in perpetuel youthbathes – beauty jewels cases they remain. They feel better than us…etc. The pioneers of this discovey had lived (in anonymous) 1 of the 3 biggest adventures of this era (the second to fly,the third (…)soon you will know). They have found THE treasure. How to reveal it ? For instance, thousands years ago (even some hundred) the number of verbs was more important than today (40% more). It means we escape from verbs, from actions, from our direct implications. One anecdote ? A newspaper's title : "Mona Lisa had moved" ; another one –" World economics scales restored". Where are the anomalies? The world's economics balanced restored alone, without us, out of us, in another planet ? Mona Lisa walked by herself, automove without us, out of us, helped by an unknown force? So, you'd reached the drawing (too massive on the top of society!) of this heavy trend of refusal of any responsability, of any implication to any deep question or answer, of any participation to decisive and conclusive facts (we are not here, we did not know, we were looking the opposite, and others childish words). But words still wisely works. The marvel i tell you. Love the words (asloving people, for instance) make you giant !!! Taste the vastness of what words displace, transfer and move open you one unkown sensuality. Mona Lisa had moved look like an impossible intransitive form (Can you say "I rain" or "He snows" ?) : people who stay simple and realistic just try "Mona Lisa have BEEN moved" (human action and responsability if something happen) or "World economics scales had BEEN restored" (idem).

Utopia is only on the top of Society. The medical (and judicial) proof lay on that stuff "Mona Lisa moved on her own feet, flying, without any help. You find that kind of rhetoric figures in "prevailing" (sic) medias. They are more and more drowned in that so hidden utopia. Some words about this utopia ? They dream always been lying, cheating, faking, misleading or manipulating, while their illegal properties and money go extended, and most of us never guess the reality of that anti democracy. They support very well all miseries they create but very few any charge of responsibility or fault (the more power they have the less consequences have their decisions(even the miracle of none) - no way to find explanations of how the deregulation decisions have found so many results for their illegal revenues and incomes. Their refusal of reality is too big now. That's why capitalism is the only utopia, the most dangerous, harmfull and poisonous you can imagine. That's why we so easily had found , in the inadvertence medias the proof of that unrealistic way . "The exhaustion of Nature", 3the consummation of Nature", out of us, without us, "she" consumes herself by herself. A little time in a resting place and problem will finish: "she" is not very serious to enter such illness, isn't , The answer is they are so afraid of the result of their mentality and illegal way of living, that it exuding in their words. These "responsables" are really irresponsibles. How they have hidden it?

always roaring all is the fault of powers. So, powers manage the whole world because only their acts have results and consequences. And the rich's acts have no results on anything. All that "true power" happened without anybody knew it and without any image of it exploded in reality. The more you manipulate world's reality, the less results you obtain; the less you manipulate world's reality  (you are out of it) the more you obtain results. What this? New "top" magic" A new science? Do you have any information about it?

the way they use words betray them: can't hide anymore the hudge manipulations they are doing all the time. These words without any cause or effect, without any ins and outs, inputs and outputs, without any then and there – describe only them, and how they are escaping from ALL realities. Now? We have the whole symptom of their complete madness. And, above all, we have the judicial and legal proof of their irresponsibility. Il Nature is consumed is on the ladder "the richest and more powerful tyou are, the more you are responsible of destruction of Nature, the more you are negative, poisons drivers, nasty,     dangerous". It's like that, if you refuse to recognize it, good for psychiatric ways okay !

All words (turned back to their physical) are from our side. Diction of dictionary free you.
Si la parole est une extension matérielle de nous même, comme une sécrétion physiologique, il faut aller jusqu'au bout des conséquences. "L'arbitraire du signe" poursuit la distinction classique entre la chose (res) et le signe (signum). Ce qui s'est poursuivi par le conflit entre les "nominalistes" et les "réalistes" (1). La linguiste de Saussure a opté pour un "arbitraire immotivé" (et "l'immotivé renvoie au normatif pur"). Mais le revers de ce choix, pointé par Pierre LEGENDRE dans "La 901eme conclusion" (2), c'est que " la langue n'est pas libre, le signe échappe à notre volonté". Ceci provoque une cascade de questions. Si le langage échappe à notre volonté, c'est qu'il appartient à la volonté de quelque chose (quelqu'un) d'autre. La matière qui se pense n'est plus de la matière puisqu'elle se pense elle-même. Legendre expose judicieusement ce retour sur soi même, cette involution, en tant que ce miroir interne qui courbe l'espace-temps du langage et transforme le réflexe en réflexion. Plus
linguisitic | format PDF | 647 pages
tags & references   At the headland of linguistics, semiology, optative optical & optician of optimism (some formulas of deep choices), etymology, vocabulary, phonetics, lexics & links, sounds repair, locutions of elocution, dictionary as diction solutions (the best done the most wealthy), translately, grammar, orthography and paragraphy, epistemology, medicines, cultures, culture's formations & practical trainings, glossary It is very new conceptions of making books and you get no chance to find any exogamy's sources for it. Towards the fertile future, sign that Merrit Ruhlen or Noam Chomsky deserved more attention. And Ferdinand de Saussure all entrusted, because all the heavy disinformation spread in his name (refusal to admit most of languages are built on structure prefixes–roots-suffixes or that significant -signified is an empty mechanism without the slash of the (both interface) of the referent etc.). Bernard Cerquiglini, O.W. Quine, Bernard Dupriez, Renée Balibar, Karl Krauss, Marc Gontard, Steven Pinker, Marie Luce Ramonet, Jack Goody, Lise Gauvin, Ludwig Wittgenstein (on 467) bring us more than all "Journalism" (name of an ideology that prevent of reading true journalists) or the Benveniste, Jackobson, Hjemjlev, Bloomfield, etc.
Quality of equality
How you are right to have rights
Langue Cola
The rule of universality of equality is absolutely necessary for the law can only exist. Without equality law cannot simply be universal. For law, the first law is quality of equality : all unequal, whatever it is, cannot be universal at all. Legal equal. And only it…This principle belongs to the foundation of the world! Raise by the root concept, we are going to travel in all dimensions of humanity : artificials hierarchies, financials inequalities that nothing can justify, cleverness statutes, territorial differences, genetics justice, general interest and social progress… etc.. Giant surprises of this big travel can be gathered around the same topic : that all the poisons drifts, all disasters are running from the one omission that only equal is equalify for all, that only equality have the quality to open all. Results are, so uglyly,  there when you "forget" equality. What are you going to do ?

S’il existe divers moyen de réussir socialement, les différences individuelles doivent être vues comme des variations du thème humain, indépendamment de leur origine génétique ou environnementale. Cette nouvelle vision atteste que l’éducation demeure incontournable. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, la coordination entre la culture (soumise à l’argent) et l’éducation (soumise à la hiérarchie et sa reproduction) existe bel et bien. Au service de l’inégalité. C’est à dire que « les différences génétiques pourraient se manifester chez les individus qui évoluent dans un milieu propice et stimulant, tandis qu’elles resteraient cachées dans un milieu défavorable et inhibant. Les détenteurs de dons héréditaires qui pourraient atteindre un Q.I. élevé dans des conditions propices ne surpasseraient pas des personnes moins douées dans un milieu réprimant » (Scarr Salapatek). Le conditionnement génétique de l’intelligence ne signifie donc pas que l’intelligence d’une personne est irrémédiablement fixée, figée par ses gènes. Elle peut être stimulée ou freinée par l’éducation, l’exercice ou la maladie. Mais, pour autant, la connaissance des milieux les plus favorables pour le développement de chaque intelligence, ne peut exister ; chaque intelligence, en revanche, le sait plus ou moins par elle même « où elle se sent bien chez elle ». Plus
qualify equalify book | format PDF | 101 pages
tags & references   History and herstory (3rd cycle) – genetics and law theories (2nd cycle) – constitutions & societies, institutions in local sides, justice, hermeneutic – with others links going out of university space Conceived in 4 chapters coming from different locus, history, genetics, law and public services, you can chase it with the fact, 20 years after, Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson in "The spirit level: why equality is better for every one", had prove, too, all the quality of equality. Consider John Stuart Mill, Antoine Danchin, William Gadis, Marcel Locquin, Jean Bodin, Ian Tattersall, Bernadette Bensaude- Vincent, Lilyan Kesteloot (on 763).
Nothing is more solid than solidarity
Langue Cola
After walking into why we are all" separated", broken up, di-vide – everyone lock unto his pains, his emptiness, his loneliness, his failures (the success stories are, most of the time, collective failures) we discover the "biggest ignorants". The "biggest ignorants" are sure not those who (temporaly) "do not know" but those who (always) look theother side, decide not to know, excluding, despising, getting rid of mentally of the others. One of the worst attitude, isn't ? You find this attitude as a  in the upper classes (by their point of view only). In universe everything is connected and enter in vibrations. White people enter in madness when they shout they are "separated" of Nature (for the childish idea to be his master ad owner). This madness is the same than the refusal of our animal ancestry : so it's too strange that nobody notice that most of all is more than mad. The "biggest ignorants" drove us there, we cannot trust them anymore. To be separated of Nature is the center of our actual tragedy. What or who is the rebel against this reality ? t's Economy which reaches now its psychiatric step. Economy pretend itself as "natual" telling, thatway, that Nature is "artificial" . Its furious madness is going to the very point where Nature had becam only a scenery, an extra empty of any knowledge. In fact, capitalism created Nature and all universe : are you well- informed of this ? While you are not their hallucinate madness convince them (too easily, insn't?) that Nature is nothing, that to destroy it don't bring any consequences because Economy-that-don't-exist-but-only-a-convention will find "the" solution. Of course, the "invisible" solution will be brought by the "invisible" hand. So the Economy-that-don't-exist –in- Universe puts our hearts and minds in jails, "separated" us of all, wildly forbid (yes, yes) all the others dimension of our humanity, forbid all debates, and take, illegaly, all the place. Living Economy don't drive to any danger because Economy finsihed, long ago, to be in reality. It's only an hard drug. This book try to replace you on earth ;: economy can't bring any solution because it is the biggest problem and its fanatics the real public ennemies ("biggest ignorants" do you remember now ?). Economy is not a science, just a pragmatical and empirical knowledge, just observations not sure at all to occur again. It's real place is scarcely the 1/3 of the reasonable functions of a civilization so –emergency – or Economy is psychiatrized or firmly putting back to its reasonable place. Its place is precisely the one of the XVIII century who spoke of Nature as an unrooted foundation and human's economy only as its under, undersystem, absuoltly all artificial and conventional, and which must follow the laws of Nature because they don't exist any law of Economy. The consuming madness of Economy (drive by irresponsibles) can destroy the world : we can yet stop it for "crimes against Humanity" !!!
Table des matières

  1.     Briser la glace

  2.     La société des individus

  3.     Pourquoi sommes nous "séparés"?

  4.     Comment nous aliénons l'Autre ?

  5.     Le discours des guerres

  6.     Economie et politique toutes habillées du discours des guerres

  7.     L'élucidation des fins

  8.     Rien de plus solide que le solidaire

  9.     Adam Smith revisité

  10.     Macroéconomie : le système des rotations

  11.     Dans le pays puis internationalement : les changements d'échelles

  12.     Résoudre le chômage

  13.     Les relations ça se relate

  14.     Tout le monde est responsable de tout et de tout le monde

  15.     Le progrès incompris : ne sont pas à la tête du progrès qui l'on croit!

  16.     La Justice passe par la fin de l'hégémonie économique

  17.     Le dépassement du système production-consommation

  18.     Le bénévolat rayonnant

  19.     La solidarité élucidée

  20.     Ne plus pouvoir vivre sans toute l'Humanité

foundation found | format PDF | 61 pages
tags & references   Macro economy, mathematics, techniques & technical facet, formula, logical, conflicts resolutions, solitions begin in resolition, practical psychology, planet, to admire, commentary of commentaries Apart a new lecture of Adam Smith, real opposite to capitalism, this book has no preceding. Otherwise, draw that the shrewdest economists remain John Kenneth Galbraith (his son James K. too) and John Maynard Keynes go more beyond usual shabby of that profession. Do not omit C. Schelling, Jean-Marie Harribey, Sébastien Fauré, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Frédéric Lordon, Barbara Ehrenreich, Jacques Sapir, Bernard Maris, Michaël Lainé, Loïc Wacquant, Alain Caillé or René Passet (on 599).
The afunfairs
are the afunfairs
Langue Cola
If you got the good idea to travel in truth, live the local life…etc (something as the unorganized so well organized in fact) you could, perhaps, have found that everybody is a treasure, so unique and unremplacable ; one that all the story of universe has insist  to produce because of that. So everybody normally must be placed OUT of all pinbeck of "role" to "playlay" ! Roles are tyranny and make us miss eveybody. Well, by yourself you discover that everybody is a treasure but –tragedy – as soon as she/ he is with 3 others, the magic is lost (even women yes yes become "machas") because most of us underfoot the best of us. You ? You keep forever the best. Everybody make you happy. And you see everything with another glances under the dust of propaganda of business. If the afUNfair are the AfUNfair is because you wish so hard the af- fair become the af- fair ! Is that the fair-y tale of all ?
---  Salut

---  brrre!

Rémi alunit près d'Alumi qui, brève, l'illumina d'un…(...) texte très dense dans ses phrases, comme du concentré non délayé, mais qui se permet d'aller dans tous les sens

Tremblant de refermer le livre déjà happé, Rémi se rabroua

---  De quoi avoir bonne mine !

---  Oui devant la mine obstruée nous avons bonne mine!

---  Tous ces truands l'obstruant! A vouloir bien trop faire croire que tout ceci n'était que bénignes énigmes. (...)

"Voyez le bruit s'ébruite de toutes parts, trouve-t-il un "résonateur sphérique" qu'il s'aspire, canalisé, comme dans l'image d'un fossile mollusque qui sait l'oreille ; pour ensuite être enchâssé dans une centrale à verbérations…(...)" Plus
unsubversives sketches | format PDF | 51 pages
tags & references   Sketches, music hall, oral cultures, genuineness, little scripts included, characters, stages parts, arts in shade sides, mimics, personalities, world, to receive, art of conversing, fresco Sketches book (with no prime example) bottom on jumps over abyss to create the « living » language. As tried by Marcel Schwob, Gary Snyder, Nik Cohn, Marcel V. Montalban, Norbert Elias, Paddy Chayefsky or Jack Kerouac (on 2 964).
Demagogy is useful and usable only by whom is on power
Langue Cola
That's the trapping word which catch only who use it. This tyrannical nasty habits of insisting to name everything (escaping of the consequences of the antidemocratic act) but out of critical, independant and emancipated glances, these manners of sticking tags or labels on the others's back to find the closed own conviction of getting rid of them (refusing all the consequences etc.), these attitudes photographed as on the sly underhand tricks of trying o shut others in compartments and lock up the tomb stone upon – must flow mountains of disgust and repulsion. That's the principal "works" of powers. Nobody isemagogic out of powers. Populism doesn't exist. It's an illegal term because it draw the refusal of their acts's results. Powers are afraid of crtains minds: they stick the demagogic words and make show to all of us nothing true anymore in their words. Except they learn us a lot: they want themselves out of any argument, any reasonment, any clever's light…ETC. Tht4s why words are their ennemies and our friends. To say demagogue is to set your hand you are an ennemy of democracy; to say populism is tos set your hand to the fact you are a gangster against social. Nd if "leaders" live only on our backs what's happen when we will be back ?
Comme la pédagogie conduit l'éducation des enfants, la démarche anagogique, de ageîn conduire, reste toute pétrie de guider, diriger vers,et, par extension, d'initier. Dans ce pas à pas du certain, démagogie indique bien un mouvement en direction, vers le peuple. C'est donc que ce qui y est transporté ne s'y trouvait pas obligatoirement. (...)

Le peuple ne peut alors être incriminé de l'existence du démagogue. Tout comme le diffamé na rien à voir avec le diffamateur. (...)

A l'instant surgit comme une fusée dans le cerveau de chacune et chacun, que le démagogue c'est l'acte brutal qui sert à ces puissants et classes dirigeantes à disqualifier, discréditer, qui que ce soit, sans plus d'autre examen. Ca ne sert plus à rien d'écouter ou de vérifier ce que l'être, affublé de ce vocable dépréciateur, avance. (...) Le mal mène mais il mène bien mal puisqu'il ne fait que malmener. Voici son monde, n'est-ce pas, qui fait le mal prétend que qui a eu mal est cause du mal. (...) C'est donc sur ce segment là de l'image entière de la réalité que nous allons examiner la démagogie et son possible avenir Plus
political sciences in purpose of gather together | format PDF | 56 pages
tags & references   Politics sciences, moral sciences, typology, social psychology, law and anthropology, shining poverty, imitations, experiences, pow-wo(man) & "powere", customs, far welfare Unique because issued of a true old concourse forbidden of first place (2 seconds ex æquo), pick up your attention that Roger Gentis, Joris Karl Huysmans, Daniel J. Boorstin, Jacques Rivenc, John Zerzan, Alain Accordo, Serge Filippini, Vinciane Despret, Bruce Sterling of cyberpunk, Walter Tevis or Samuel Butler (sur 3 699) could open your mind.
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