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Star of the stars
Langue Cola
one of the most incredible news of all times is how was born the star of the stars. iI doesn't belong to any fashion. But only to eternity. It's not a story but a whole experience that escapes to all manipulations and lies, to all powers and richesTo touch this fact can change your mind and life. But how to speak about it ? How not to hide (prejudices, redies to think, habits, sterotypes, scientist mecnismsn power's blinding, out of into because the height of your situation and so on) the radical newness of what we want to show ? How to grasp that somebody is living magic life because - spontaneous and without any reckonings, not for this or against - he is in the good place without contradictions - he occupies all the century. Out of usual concepts supposed to be necessary and obligatory (so, if you live out that hindrances you live so happy and every second in a busy sun sensation). Yezs one human is, now, having feelings without no names, vibrating of what supposed to be out of reach, swimming in unknown joys. A radical newness !!! Instead of trying to understand what we can learn with him (fly, dance in free, put the light in mind, find the eternal joy etc) - yes, instead of reaching so deep happiness - everything seem done to smaller these so big (and collective in the final count) adventure. What we see ? Only bad wills and bad intentions that describe only the passive defamers not him. Eevery body masochist, refusing the riches and the good, blinded to beauty and extasy ? Yes, if we consider, "the" (do you belong to "the" ?) ask him the impossible only to hide his so giant possibles, to make collectives miracles - changing everything but without changing anything - to rob that his incredible way the best (he more and more happy whatever "the" made - that's the proof!) and others contradictories stuffs that cannot hide only his translation is valable : the genuinneness seem evicted and avoidded!!! The common basis is "without he ever can give his own opinion" . Yes have you ever see such a stupid tyranny who childy refuse the big trasure, and put in symbolic jail the person who have the key ? He knew, he knows : he never can give his opinion. Apparently, who is wrong and who is wright ? So why you misunderstood the way ? Do nyou really think not asking his version - as if everybody know better your lie than you - is serious ? And all that looses are based on the so strong substratum of his complete honesty, always he says truth, his entire oblingness always trying to help, and his pure collective mind not stuck on the blinded money - the firm and steadyn the sure and regular point from which all robberies and betrayals, deceits and defamations started. Who is the most important person in the world ? Who is the necessary center ? Yes who is the hero ? And why the star of the stars really belong to the age of true (when thesse WERE true) ? By his position of univerrsal joker (everybody want him in - or out - her/his game - he learn us so many upon reality. And , accessory topic, upon the real minds of stars. Because without he ever can gve his opinion, even without any public word, even erevery thing against, even as if burried alive, his wonderful truth (the magic life of flying, dancing the sun's sensations, having the light in head etc etc) had reach all the ends of world. He is still the most important person in the world. Yes the best, the cream (every word you want only if you belong to truth side). He is the eternal center (out of any childy and dead end fashions) that nobody can by-pass, go round or outline. Every one buit her/his position in relation to him, compared to him : the star of stars is the apex of pyramid. And we stil don't know anything serious and deep about him (defamarions are childy and learn only upon the childy defamors) or only empty commentaries.

You have only to fly a little upon the commentaries to half open the marvel of a sunny live. Yes he lives exactly all we dream all to live. The first lesson is that that kind of live can only find the giant joy out of the closed system (stars are wrong in thisway) somewhere is the open nature. And....
Mondialisation est-il osé . Oui mais toujours pas d'éditeur mondial, pas de journal mondial, aucune instance qui visibilise l'Humanité, personne pour décrypter tout ce qui a atteint une envergure terrienne. Aucun organisme non plus pour se plaindre et obtenir réparation. Aucun arbitrage possible et le bien de l'Humanité reste toujours en annexe de sous-projets locaux qui, de cet exploit dans la méconnaissance du réel, se déclarent tous plus irréalistes les uns que les autres. Où se joue la merveille de la star des stars il n'existe toujours rien : qu'à cela ne tienne nous allons être contraints de l'inventer.(…) Plus
in the center of fires | format PDF | 31 pages
tags & references   Reality, how to build your body receiving all universe, "allism", secrets of never lying (at least 2 yourselves) , reflexions as doors, transversals & athwartships strategies, non classify 'cos inclusive genius, back stages, unknown powers, misunderstandings, observe, offering hearts, big puzzle 4 select the hearts All the books of here are completely original and new from their birth. So no inspire by ancient or actual others writers or thinkers. But we function with admiration, wonder, esteem, emotion, approbation, marvel, consent or respect – therefore, we offer quotations of some names. Without equal live, never happened. Hence, Charlie Parker (the Bird), Philip K. Dick, Hermann Hesse, Gary Snyder, Clifford D. Simak, Julien Torma, Carl Gustav Jung (for his collective unconscious), Will Self, Jack London, Eugene Pottier, Lucius Shepard, Emmet Grogan, Greil Markus spoke about it in their own mood (on 14 736).
The social eager
Langue Cola
Starting from the Origin (and its marvellous mysteries), going through the sun and, also, by how our way of looking/ feeling…etc. can drive us wrong, we are washing the oldy propaganda, sweeping out all this "modern" (sic) that prevent your body from being spontaneous and isolated you from this marvel (coming from future): the "social love". Fromm many years this society had entered in delirium, putting out its "social" –exactly, as if live flinged back its vitality. Social Love exists and it is one of the biggest vibration and secular magic sensation you can feel. Well, now you begin to go out any pre-existing mental frames: now, you really can find the bridge to social fire.

  1. L'origine………p. 1

  2. Étymologie en boucle              p. 3

  3. Eldorado          p. 5

  4. Le Palais de la Réalité………p. 8

  5. Réalismons-nous !         p. 9

  6. Pertes et fracas………p. 13

  7. Séparations ou retrouvailles ?             p. 18

  8. Changeons nos grilles de lecture             p. 21

  9. Tribus du soleil…………p. 24

  10. Un pont vers l'ardeur sociale…………..p. 26

Connaissez-vous le fait que vous connaissiez ? D'où vient votre connaissance ? Et comment ce serait si vous n'aviez plus cette connaissance ?

Impossible ! vous élancez vous ? Et, pourtant, le texte qui suit vous raconte une histoire profondément enfouie en vous. Écoutez-là ! Plus
the most exigent non violent book you can find | format PDF | 36 pages
tags & references   Anthropology, ethnology, trades, secrets of business, Nature, primitive, origin, allegory, fable, ecology calling, paintings explain civilisations, skills (arts), city of simplicity, amaze the marvels, sire the de-sire Painting occurs there under an unknown angle (changing sensations of all body for instance when colours become eatable etc.) Give very few names, in the kaleidoscope, over 1297, Jerome Bosh, the 2 Pieter Brueghel, Max Ernst, Michelangelo, Mikalojus Ciurliouis, Seurat, Jean Ferdinand Willumsen, Leonardo da Vinci, Walter Crane, Pavel Filov, Gustave Moreau, Jean Delville, Antoine Caron, Aubrey Beardsley, Lucas Cranah, Erdwaed Burne-Jones, Vincent Van Gogh, Bernard Louédin, Jan Toorop, Thomas Cole, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Albrecht Altdorfer, Tamara de Lempicka, Léon Frédérick, Joseph M.W.Turner or Salvador Dali (but not his people's disguise!).
How to become
(an) atheist of capitalism
Langue Cola
Without any question mark, that sounds exactly (even if who who doesn't live giantly and don't feel alot loose "our" time barking the impossibility of all!) that some of us (shes and hes) had yet clearly succeed in it. How to live out of capitalism? But, above all, how doest it feel? What are the new emotions? Is the glad without limits ? In short, only not commerial questions but, believe me, in true life (without pretending to "will" it), it is where vibrations are !!! The biggests jealousies, incrediblely, come from the top of society don't you notice it? And why why? They "have" "eveything", isn't ? So, this "all" is not the essential" in truth? And they "forbid" (yes, yes, even if it seems hard to believe) any "natural" joy. We must forget quite everything, any "quality" must be lost. Can't support you live "out of" them : strange minds ! The point ofview of others civilization is the good one and the "abundance horn" dances  in qualities and joys, and, becomes, nevertheless, grounded on atheism to this so ugly religion of capitalism. O easy to decide : you can !
14-  Les dirigeants sont-ils des délinquants? Le Mal, thèse d'état sert à masquer ce que Michel Foucault appelait les illégalismes de droit: "La bourgeoisie se réservera, elle, l'illégalisme des droits: la possibilité de tourner ses propres règlements et ses propres lois; de faire assurer tout un immense secteur de la circulation économique dans un jeu qui se déploie dans les marges de la législation." C'est-à-dire hors la loi ! Dans Surveiller et punir, Foucault montre que le système pénal a surtout cherché à différencier les illégalismes. Les Misérables passaient leur vie au bagne pour un pain volé tandis que le bourgeois voleur d'un million passait la sienne dans les salons. Si les atteintes aux biens et la violence populaire accaparaient l'essentiel de l'attention du pouvoir, il n'y en allait pas de même pour les détenteurs de l'économie et du politique. Qu'en est-il aujourd'hui? Pendant les affaires les affaires continuent ! Strictement aucune remise en question: "Si la Mafia, la drogue, la corruption ne trouvaient pas une certaine complaisance (euphémisme)dans les milieux financiers ces problèmes seraient amplement résolus," Plus
transversal and multidisciplinary essay | format PDF | 165 pages
tags & references   Around all sociologies, religions, social psychology, anthropology, law theories, associations, free duties, gifts & presents, utilitarism, functionalism, strategy & tactical, changing times, happiness happen, nihilism, art of choosing, subjectivity Sociology is under this flight where you are going to loose every "believe" in the system. Max Weber, Marcel Mauss, all against utilitarism, Palo Alto, Howard Zinn, Michel Foucault, Ludwig Van Bertalanffy, Christopher Lash, Theodor W. Adorno, Zygmunt Bauman, Jean Spurk, Jean Pierre Noreck, Jean Pierre Barou or Françoise Bloess (on 34 193).
The economy's fictions:
not a word true
Langue Cola
As the neglected GALBRAITH tells it so well quite everything is wrong into the economy's concepts (yes, yes those which medias broadcast without trying to distinguish). For instance, GALBRAITH doesn't find any difference between "public" and "private" in the sense in "private" you have more "bureaucracy" than in public, and "private" can be less "modern" than public. Private plunder public, not the contrary, when collectives taxes are used to put in refloat and in founds the childish stupidities of Wall Street, when the army is absolutly "private" (except taxes robbed to Society) and the social protections, for instance, Wal- Mart refuse (roguely) to pay are payed by local taxes…etc (too long). So the vey good information is the way you use these concepts is your autiobiography (many learned on you and nothing on reality). Or you become as smallest than your shabby of too rich person can drive you or you become as greatest than your generosity. Everything put your mask down: for example, concept "productivity". I traduce it "the quickest you work well, the soonest they lay off you". A word used wth only one spreading of glances close the trust upon you. While, we have the judicial and legal proof against who ROBBED the others's  productivity (capitalism is only that). Qo, in realty (washed of economic's' fanatism) all the enterprises can work absolutly in others directions, collective production can been shared aound "productivity" (with all its names – increment value, betterment, extra-payment, addv  alue etc.).Nothing will be embezzled and misappropriated by capitalism (the robbers of others's beauties). This happy book begin to draw how "fictions" have unmasked who monologize they are on the "top". Fictions are just freeing all of us because novels have, silently, destroyed the "big lIe called Economy". Isn't sparing humour? Tell me what refresh you ?
Chacune ou chacun connaît sa vie quotidienne puisqu'il la vit. Mais quant à l'Économie, là, nous ne la connaissons plus que d'après ce qui nous en est dit. Afin de pallier ce grand écart, nous allons voir que ce qui nous en est dit, mis en rationalité, en logique argumentaire, replacé dans tous les processus scientifiques possibles, aboutit à cette sidérante constatation : l'Économie telle qu'elle nous est massivement présentée (médias, revues, livres, discours et politiques) est un Roman. Un vrai roman ! Pour le vérifier, plongeons-y sans tarder !


     Le mieux reste de parsemer la mise à jour  - et en jeu- des mécanismes de l'Économie comme roman, d'éclaircissements méthodologiques. Du moins le strict nécessaire afin de ne pas glisser hors du fil des démonstrations. Vouloir prendre ces irruptions de quelques points méthodologiques comme une méthode exhaustive serait, pour le moins, opter pour les malentendus. Plus
first "economic humour" | format PDF | 74 pages
tags & references   Alter-globalize, economy 4 all minds, pedagogy, surroundings, synthesises, fundamentals of future, finite-ancial world = no fut., irrelevant medias, wares in wars, stock without options in nature, to sug-gestion, better offer the offer, transmit & transfer, exercises of proposal way Our books upon economy come from large reports where others books were so thin starts. In purpose of help you in all transversally exercises try E.T. Hall, Ian Steward, Claude Bernard, Lucien Sfez, Fritjop Capra, Alain Connes, Luc Boltanski, Pierre Lascoumes, Maurice Allais, Brigitte Proust, Jean Luc Moinet, Thierry Paquet or Muriel Pernin (on 7 89).
Present !
Langue Cola
How to never take any decision ? Avoiding to be present to results of your acts § talkings, as for Nature than others human beings. In spite of the huge propaganda exuding we were too much into the present, this text verify most of the people exile themselves in past or future. Rare who is really present into the present. For presentationsT. All the consequences of that are drawing into this book which offer you the possibility of free happiness so far of all quantitatives jails. To live in truth the humble fact that "time" doesn't exist in universe (only in our psychology) and taste the proof that all words which try to describe "time" are space ones, that all metaphors are issued of space (near, far, long short etc.) – translate you into so big sensuality,(the upper of plasure) that quite nobody had lived it. Well, our civilization stint us of most the essential in exchange (sic) of shoddy goods. Be present they never can wrong you again!
Les mesures du temps s'exprimeraient, uniquement, en métaphores spatiales? Le temps est "long" ou "court", une époque révolue est dite "lointaine" ou "proche", lorsque l'on veut fixer un moment concis nous précisons plutôt "aux alentours" de, aux "environs" de, ou même "vers" (16 h) pour cerner la "place" du temps, et si ce temps va "passer" et se faire voir tout de suite nous sommes sur "le point de", puis sur "le champ"immédiat, ensuite, le temps s'éloigne et rejoint son espace "reculé". Cette succession à intervalle régulier : durée qui SEPARE (spatialement toujours) deux moments, un court, un long, espace de TEMPS - dessine ce temps qui "s'espace", se dispose en cubes d'espace constant, où la durée, est l'étendue. (...) Plus
philosophy (as INTWO DANCINCH, but as Mind your mind , also as BEATWIN or as Re- member of it) | format PDF | 30 pages
tags & references   Ontology, scolastic, cosmology, astronomy, space, physic, philosophy, time, réceptivité, knowledges, material, intensity, eternity, hospitality, teleology (future explain all today), goal or goall, perfection Not seduce by religions (we think atheism is also one!) we notice that many go beyond than every one of us. So, keep an ear for who knows to mix reason and ontology, as Krishnamurti, Tchouang Tseu, Lao Tseu, Satprem, Llyal Watson or Alan W. Watts, would be enough to prevent an inexperienced from all toxin.
Quest of questions : who prive the deprives ?
who inherit the disinherits ? ... etc
Langue Cola
We had noticed that, from the 80's "the liberal centics "(described as wise and cool) had became the worst ennemies of earth and humanity (they lost, long ago, any honesty, and cannot hide, anymore, they are just fanatics). Wanted "nothing move" "nothing change" become the most paternalist, maternalist, dictatorialship that you ever can find. So, the censorship is the biggest one from the beginning of history. Never we met such rotten minds and stinking hearts: they represent the failure of all because it is by a lonesome somliloquize that they froze politics and culture. Their so small selfish have product the stopping of all: only virtuality seems been walking. But the consequences are so giant that we need miles and miles and miles of words to resume them all. Lost of the oral knowledges, of the dialectics minds (the only ones who knew resolutions of conflicts), destruction of cleverness, of many instincts, lost of many sensations, tastes, feelings and sensibilities, destruction of imagination, and many mental faculties and potentials of our conscious and unconscious…etc.(too long) Just because, childishly, they refuse to change their way of life. The worst rogues never seen. All that was reproached, illegally, to certain kinds of social beings –in truth, concerne them. They are depriving everyone of us of our best neigbourhoods. So, if you succeed to catch the econmy's thread, you will discover the quest of quest-ions is the more marvellous quest of all. The one which fill you from the respect of yourself (so of… and of…). This book, very technical (topology of economy) can be seen difficult, but knowing how to use knowledge can open you to the infinate of joy. Beause you have turned your back to the most childish and smallest system (the one that excludes the majority of humanity) you have prooved it's so easy to get and go round it. Now, it is just behind us !!!
L'homme possesseur et maître de la NATURE. Plus de dette même cadette. L'irrationnel a piqué le tambour et fait assourdissant rantanplan : comment cet homme là a-t-il été jusqu'à créer l'Univers, puisque depuis la scissiparité de l'unicellulaire jusqu'à la formation métamorphique des minéraux, jusqu'à la reproduction solidaire des végétaux mettant, à contribution, par séduction, les autres espèces, jusqu'aux hermaphrodites puis ovipares animaux, tout ne semble créé QU'A PARTIR de lui-même ? De quelle partie de l'homme est donc surgie la Nature?Si vous pensez que le "réalisme", toujours plus nihiliste, vous accordera une réponse c'est que vous êtes...(...) L'histoire ne semble plus faite pour les hommes, mais contre eux. DEVANT nous elle est, "radicalement extérieure et intégralement appropriable". Devant nous nous ne lui devons plus rien. Surtout depuis le fiasco social de l'écologie surgi de...(...) Avoir donc un rapport individuel, intériorisé, personnel avec la Nature est possible mais pas permis. Jamais une société soi-disant libérale, permissive, n'a, en fait, interdit autant de choses. Au plus profond de chacun...(...) Plus
microéconomy | format PDF | 105 pages
tags & references   Every question is a quest so "conquestion" (become your conquest). Who privet the deprives, who disinherit the disinherits, who do the undo, who is able to disable, who trim the detriment, who possess the dispossess, who spot the despot, who drain the brains, who unscrew the crew, who unsolder the soldier & oldier the soldier, who torture the distort, appropriate the too easy misappropriate, who miss the dismiss, who vert the divert, (how many) set to upset, who vide the divided, who loose the loosen, who order the disorder, fiddle the idle or draw the withdraw, whom tress of distress, who hattered the shattered, yes who "derangies", the "abover"…etc; all that showing clearly a true action hidden into the result word (precise term – inology !!!). New and defines ways of thinking 'cos your body belong to geometrical feelings, emotions and sensations? To intend the intendancy drive to "propositive", to pose the propose begins (of course) by changing of physical positions (finale of pro-positions? ).Micro economy, introduction to an economic topology (economy belongs to geometry not to mathematics), identity and earthy minds, anthropology as a new practical method, systemises and "allism" sciences, informatics with dialectics, universities, chemicals, unknown geniuses (yes so possible!) This book wish to be therapeutic (as all in fact) but we inspire more of working in social reality than in writings, but caring that we think that nurse better (than all out of tune stars of media) Boris Cyrulnik, John Searle, Thomas Szasz, Tobie Nathan, Antonio R. Damasio, Edouard Zarifian, Oliver Sachs, Roland Jouvent, Jonas Salk, Charles Rojzman, François Roustang, Jean Marie Bourre, Paul Watzlawick, François Jacob, Moshe Feldenkrais, Marc Jannerod, Thierry Janssen, Gerard Guasch, Alain Prochiantz or Gerard Leleu (on 194 374).
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